I love the hunt. For several weeks I’ve been watching for free firewood for the Kimberly Wood Stove. The norm free-firewood-post requires chopping down trees, which is fine if you have a year to dry it out before winter. …and a chainsaw.
We have neither. We weren’t prepared. We didn’t know we’d be heating the Tiny House with wood until a few weeks ago. And the first snow of winter came down today.
Firewood from Mill’s Fleet Farm at $5 a tiny bundle was not looking like the most economical way to heat the Tiny House! I snagged a pickup truck load to dry for next winter… so that’s good! Otherwise it’s been looking fairly grimm.
Yesterday I realized I hadn’t yet asked God for a little help!
Well geez. Of course He provided the very next day! Ryan just left to pick up a half of a cord of wood only 7 miles away! We’ll see how much a half cord is when he gets here. I’M EXCITED!
Go Craigslist Free Section! Thank You God!
And Thank You MARK, super cool guy who chops down trees, cuts and piles it, and then just gives it away! You are supercool! Mark = Generous.
*Ryan’s back! He’s happy!
The logs are super small which is actually ideal for the Kimberly Stove! The door is extra tiny so logs need to be split really small to fit.
How nice! We live in a small house (as opposed to a tiny house) and I so want a Vermont Bun Baker to heat and cook with.
Generous = Beautiful ❤️
You can easily make fire “bricks” out of shredded paper. Google it, lots of ways to do it and it’s very easy. Basically you just make a pulp from the paper with water and then squeeze all the water out and allow to dry (cure.) they burn just like wood, are essentially free and super easy.
God always provides! Amen! You have a beautiful home. Stay warm this winter!