Hi! I am Kim. ♥
My husband, Ryan, and I, and our kids, Sully and Story, lived in our 267 square foot Tiny House in Minnesota from September of 2014 to January of 2019.
Our BIG tiny house life was goal-driven and encompassed by being a one-income family, homeschool, pursuing passions and adventure, and say Yes! to every opportunity. After one year of campground living we found the perfect property and our Tiny House is now a lake home. I have loved sharing that a family can thrive in a Tiny House. My pursuit has been to normalize family-style minimalism in a culture where “stuff-gluttony” is the accepted norm. Through pictures and stories, my mission was always to affirm for families on their journey to family-style minimalism that once they remove the excess and unnecessary they will find their family will be abundantly blessed!

We had a beautiful Silver Streak RV on our property that we were renovating to create our extended living space. After a summer of serious hard labor (99.9% on Ryan’s part) the tornado came and completely crushed it. Trees fell into the roofs of nearly every house on the lake, crushed the cabin next to us, took our dock away completely… miraculously, though, the tiny, with Ryan in it, was untouched. Hallelujah!

…Ryan and I will be moving back in the moment Sully and Story set forth on bigger adventures!
I’m Kim!
It’s nice to meet you, I’m glad you’re here.
I love big ideas and bigger goals.
…I love seeking God’s plan for our lives, visions, breaking rules, praying and fasting, seizing opportunity, singing worship music, organic food, health and healing, glorifying God, competition, good music and adventure. 🙂
Hi Kim, I truly love your Tiny House! But I was wondering if you have a blog I can follow concerning your food lifestyle and use of essential oils and all things natural? FYI I am a Christian homeschool mom of three in Texas, living on a ranch in a not-so-tiny house but I do dream about Tiny House living? for my Hubby of 20 years and I after the kiddos(17, 12 and 8) are off to new lands. That a way, we can visit them all in their different locals and be the gypsies we were born to be. Warmly, Angel
Hi Angel! Well, I’m more of a blog reader than a blog writer when it comes to food and essential oils! Learner more than expert. 🙂 I thought about it, but my shareable experience lies in family-style minimalism and Tiny Housing. 🙂 my stance on food is that *All GOOD food is good.* So we eat lots and lots of the good, organic, healing, amazing foods. And I keep lots of essential oils on hand so whenever there’s a need I can Google which one to use! 🙂 I love your story! Do YOU have a blog I can follow!? 🙂
Hi!! Love your blog! So glad I found it! I am a Christian as well with 2 kids and we are moving into an airstream trailer in a couple weeks!! I also write a blog about natural living that you may like! Looking forward to reading yours! 🙂
Hello Kim, I’m Anne-Cécile and I’m French. I’m working on the “Tiny House Movement” with my students ! I was so happy to discover your blog !
Hi Anne-Cécile! I’m so glad!
I hope you and your students enjoy learning about the Tiny House Movement! Thank you! ♡
Hi Kim from PEI, Canada! Great site!!! Just wondering if you know any tiny house families in Canada I might connect with to learn more!
Also wondered if the plans for your tiny house are online and how much it cost if you don’t mind me asking!? : ) Mary
Hi Mary! Sorry, I can’t think of any Tiny House Families in Canada…. check instagram maybe? 🙂 And our Tiny House is a customized Tumbleweed Elm 24. The plans are available on Tumbleweed’s site for around $800. That was a few years ago, so I’m not sure what the cost is now. I hope that helps! 🙂
Hi Kim, Stumbled upon your website. My husband and I have 2 kids, 20 mo. and 2 mo. We love tiny houses but just not sure if it truly is possible for us. I look forward to reading your blog and discerning if maybe just maybe we could do this!
Fun Amy! Totally doable. 🙂 Follow on instagram, I take pics and share little stories about kids and family life in a Tiny House. Just sharing that is pretty normal. 🙂 I hope you find what you’re looking for! Blessings! ♡
Hi Kim! Love seeing your tiny house life and dreams coming to life. Stumbled upon your blog today. We are in the process of looking for land in East TN and hoping to put a tiny house on it. I don’t know anyone personally who has done this, so I just wanted to connect with you. Thankful for your blog, voice, and joy for Jesus in it all! My instagram is @morganleahphoto if you wanna connect!
Wonderful, Morgan! Thank you 🙂 I’m excited to find you on instagram and follow your journey!
I’m just wondering how you designed the house or how you started it- my husband and I have started looking into it and we can’t imagine being in quite as small a house as you have and it’s looking like it would cost us a lot more than what we would want to spend to downsize in this way.
Hi Kate, ours is a Tumbleweed Elm 24. Pinterest helped, narrowing down space in the big house to see where/how we spent most of our time helped. Also, we spent a week in a small cabin while we planned/dreamed and that helped also! Get creative, doodle some sketcheds, and dream a lot. 🙂 I hope that helps!?
Hello from New Zealand! Just wanted to say hi since I’ve been browsing your blog for a few days here, dreaming about building a tiny house… I really like the way you write and share about your life, it’s fresh, conversational and cheeky – a very easy read. And I love that you are a Christian. I do believe the tiny house lifestyle is beautifully aligned with God’s purpose for many of us, it makes perfect sense. We’ve had a pretty mobile lifestyle for the past 8 years, travelling between Finland (home country) and New Zealand. Sometimes we sold everything and gave up our rental, other times we put everything in storage. The funny thing is that after a few months, I always forgot what we had in that storage… even though it was important enough at the time of packing that we decided to keep it and PAY for storage, in only 3 months I couldn’t remember a single item, didn’t care, felt stupid paying for it. Most of what we have right now is rubbish. Can’t wait to downsize and forget ever owning that stuff 🙂
I really appreciate you and your family. I remember finding your story in the middle of the night early in our tiny house planning phase as I was wildly Googling “tiny house family” to see if it was possible. Now we are a year away from finishing the house and moving in our family of 6! Thank you for the encouragement your story has given me.
Beautiful! I am blessed by you!♡