Awesome Free Stuff!

January 23, 2014

The Craigslist Free Section. Goal #10


Yes, you’ll find a thousand vintage (read old and gross) couches, used toilets, ancient televisions, dirt, rocks, and firewood that is actually a tree needing to be chopped down.

If you can just hold out long enough.  It’s a hunt!  AND a race!  Your favorite!

A brand new perfect condition something or other! Open your email as quickly as you can!  Send the friendliest, most gracious message riddled with details about your muscular husband who doesn’t need help loading and is available at any time day or night at the speediest speed your fingers can click!

and BAM!

Your house is filled with rockin’ stuff that you didn’t pay for and didn’t steal.

Vintage Couches (actually cool and not gross)
30 years of Architectural Digest (one year is worth $30 on ebay = fun find!)
Junior size tandem bike
Brand new huge picture window (for the tiny house!)
Kids outdoor toys: water table, play house
Huge white board (I just have to figure out how to erase it)

I almost snagged a four wheeler once.  Saw a real mechanical bull.  And there have even been a few old cars.  If you ever need a piano you just have to pay for the movers!

The goal here is to find more materials for the Tiny House.  One window so far.  Almost had another!  Looking for tools and anything useful.
I’m on a mission.

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